The Dendrology Park from Simeria started to "build" itself on the riverbank of Mureș 300 years ago. It is now a national monument in the art of parks. The park is also known to be the oldest and most valuable collection of trees and native and exotic woody plants.
The oldest document states that the park was up and running in 1763. It talks about an alley surrounded by chestnut trees, followed by acacias.
Four noble Hungarian families owned the park: Gyulay, Kun, Fay and Ocskay. The park's inheritance was through the female bloodline. During the revolution in 1848, the park was partially destroyed.
Between 1870 - 1880 the park's owners decide to bring species from the Far East and North America. Bela Fay, a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, wrote papers about the adaptation and acclimation of the species.
Belay Fay's son-in-law, Istvan Ocskay, brings his improvements to the park. There was also a German gardener, named Ludvig Bucek, that worked on the park.
In 1949 the park was nationalized and declared an experimental forest bypass. Fiver years later, a research station is founded and the Dendrological Park receives that "Nature's monument" status.
The Romanian state also decided to invest in the park raising the plant collection which now amounts to almost 2.200 taxons. Amongst the prestigious scientists that developed the park during the last decades are professor Popescu Zeletin, PhD engineer Aurel Hulea and Radu Stelian.
The arboretum stretches on a surface of 70 hectares. The park's 50 parcels gather meadows, copses, alleys, lakes and springs into a rare view.
Oaks, acacia trees, poplars, bamboo, red and white water lilies, ivy, climbing vines, various species of splendid magnolias and many other make Simaria's Arboretum a dream-like landscape with a chromatic variety that has never been seen before.
The fascinating show of nature takes place every year, regardless of the season, in the Simeria Dendrological Park. A fairytale land, where once you've stepped in, you expect to see, on a bench or a bridge, watching the happy trout or the turtle, a count or a countess.
This place has a special air. A beauty that sends you dreaming and envelops your senses with its spell. A walk through this park offers the optimal dose of relaxation. So step out of your everyday life for a moment and hit its shady paths to taste the joy of coming back to life.
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